Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Considering Crowns Or Fixed Bridgework?

     Once your need for restorative dentistry has been identified, we should explore the issue a bit further.  Crown and bridgework supports your teeth so that they work together properly, and help balance your entire dental arch.  The quality and longevity of today's restoration have saved many a patient from the brink of dental disaster.
     When you decide to move forward with your treatment, please know it will be a two visit procedure.  The first visit will involve preparing the "abutment" teeth for the crowns.  We will decrease the tooth's surface by 1 1/2 to 2mm so the teeth slightly taper toward the occlusal or biting surface.  An impression is taken of the area.  Temporary crowns are placed that will keep your teeth functioning normally, until the first restoration comes back from the lab.
     On your second visit, the temporaries are removed and the permanent bridge is centered in place.  Tiny adjustments may be necessary to assure that you have just the right fit.  After some very brief home care instructions, you are ready to leave.
     We value your dental health, comfort, and the importance of your smile as part of a healthy, confident appearance. 

     If you have any questions, concerns or would like to make an appointment, please call 707-552-4110

Dr. Andrew S. Jackson

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Dentures

     Perhaps it's time to consider a new denture.  You may not realize it, but the ridges of bone in your mouth that support your denture recede, causing the upper portion to move up and back and the lower denture to settle down.  As a result, your chin will move closer to your nose by as much as 1/16th of an inch per year.  And your bite may change with your upper teeth moving behind the lowers.

     Even if your present dentures are still in great shape, changes in your mouth can date them.  Replacing your dentures can give them renewed function and provide you with a more youthful appearance.

    Please call our office to schedule an appointment to evaluate your dentures.

Andrew S. Jackson DDS and Staff (707) 552-4110