Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Preview Technique

     Do you have apprehensions about taking your child to the dentist for his or her first checkup?  Could that be one of the reasons why you haven't made that first important appointment? 
     Well, your child's first visit to the dentist does not have to be for a checkup.  There's no reason why it can't be a social visit to "get acquainted."  If your youngster hasn't been to the dentist yet, the next time you have an appointment, take him along.  Let him watch the dentist check your teeth, clean them, etc.  There's no better way for a child to understand that dental care is important for your health and good looks.
     Believe me, the worst first dental experience is an emergency visit for a toothache or accident-caused injury.  Extensive treatment or repair on a first visit may set your child up for a chain of future, needless anxieties. 
     Don't avoid your child's first visit.  The sooner your youngster creates a confident relationship with the dentist, the better.  Start with a preview.

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