Thursday, June 9, 2011


     When a tooth is broken, discolored or extensively decayed, you can choose either bonding or a permanent crown to solve your esthetic problem.  Here are some of the pros and cons involved in both procedures. 
     Bonding will give you a beautiful smile quickly at an affordable price, but it will only last for about 5 years.  The color can be stained by smoking and by drinking coffee or tea.  In addition, because bonded restorations are not as strong as crowns, certain foods like nuts and ice can cause them to crack or chip.
     In contrast, a crown will last many years and cannot be beat for the stability and function it offers.  Esthetically speaking, crowns are generally superior to bonded restorations.  The longevity of any treatment and the cost of each procedure will differ from case to case. 

Please call our office if you have any questions.

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