Tuesday, March 13, 2012


     If you have one or more missing teeth creating gaps that should be filled, you may want to consider fixed bridgework, or implants. 
    Missing teeth can do more than affect the shape of your face.  They can also throw your teeth out of alignment and cause other serious dental problems.  If you choose fixed bridgework or implants to solve the problem, you'll have "new" teeth that will be permanently fixed in your mouth.  You won't have to take them out to clean them.  They can be brushed and flossed like natural teeth.
    Before your dentist recommends fixed bridgework or implants, he will check the overall health of your mouth; paying particular attention to adjacent or supporting teeth, gums and bone.  They will have to be strong and healthy enough to supportthe restorative work.
    If you feel you may be a candidate for this type of procedure, are curious or have any questions, please call 707-552-4110 or visit our website http://www.andyjacksondds.com/

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